Orion Cable and Pipeline Tracker
The Orion system brings the power of model-based technology to cable tracking. This method is based on fitting data from multiple magnetic field sensors to a model of the magnetic field expected from a target cable carrying alternating current in order to track the 3‑D position of the target in real time.
The basic Orion system comprises of an electronics pod (E-Pod), two magnetic field sensors and an on-deck software controller. The E-Pod and sensors may be mounted directly on a platform such as an ROV or on a rigid frame for towing or other types of deployment. The sensors should be separated by at least 1.5 m to achieve a tracking range of 10 m in any direction from the target.
The number of sensors may be increased to 4 or 6 in order to both improve accuracy and to provide sensor redundancy. In many cases accuracy may be improved even further with post-processing of survey data, such as when the measurements are distorted by nearby parallel or crossing cables or pipelines.
Orion is integrated into the QINSy®, EIVA® and HYPACK® hydrographic survey solutions.
Download a data sheet for Orion here: Orion Datasheet.pdf
Orion may be used to track various types of subsea cables, including DC transmission cables, AC transmission cables, and communication cables. DC and AC cables may be tracked using either an active tone or a passive primary or harmonic frequency, while communication cables typically require an active tone from a remote transmitter. This enables various different applications, such as the following.